Leaf on the wind impaled meme
Leaf on the wind impaled meme

  • bluemagic123, jopojelly, Eldrazi, and Gorateron for some groundwork coding help.
  • Milt69466 for allowing the use of their Pot Mimic suggestion.
  • SzGamer227 for allowing the use of his Hardmode Throwable suggestion.
  • Shiki Sakura and Fargowilta for a variety of suggestions and ideas.
  • Endling for allowing the use of his Pumpkin Lich design.
  • leaf on the wind impaled meme

    He needed to give himself a pep talk because things could go bad. Alliance barricade to get through with the Reaver horde they were going to use as a distraction.

  • MetoolDaddy for heavy inspiration on The Queen Jellyfish boss. The whole point of the phrase was that Wash was in a position to have to pull off the impossible.
  • SnugBoat, PhoenixBlade, Illuminati, zoroarkcity, Eli10293, Kalialioopsalot, and Ignus for a variety of sprites and ideas.
  • Scophax for immensely helpful feedback on the Healer Class.
  • Sapharan for the basis of the Soul Forge and the Warg sprites.
  • Sergo for the Ninja Rack and the original Fallen Paladin's armor sprites.
  • Vladimier for the original Dark Nexus vanity sprite.
  • Newominus for the fanart used in this wiki's background.

    Yoraiz0r for the generation code for the Aquatic Depths.Smxfoxtrot for the Grand Thunder Bird, Borean Strider, and Primordials boss themes.SkippyZii for the Buried Champion, Granite Energy Storm, Star Scouter, Lich, and Abyssion boss themes.

    leaf on the wind impaled meme

    Darklight, direwolf420, Zero-Exodus, and Grox The Great for some advanced coding assistance.Exodus Starlit and Durrani19 for many sprites and ideas in the early days of the mod's development.BrutalLama, Barometz, and BluNinja for many sprites, sprite ideas, and suggestions.

    leaf on the wind impaled meme

    Uncle Danny, Darklight, Hayaku, EveryoneWasDragged, Barometz, Krispion, and Catchy for creation, completion, and maintenance of this magnificent wiki.AdipemDragon for an incredible amount of sprite work, such as boss visual overhauls, a large amount of donator items, the entirety of the sprites for the Bard class, and much more.

    Leaf on the wind impaled meme